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This blog is a diary of the preparation for my trip to race in Belgium this year and daily entry of the trip itself. Leave a comment or question.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

One week to go

Well technically 5 days actually.

Had some scary news from my pal Tommy, we're the same age and race a lot together in both age group and graded racing. If you thought about a couple of blokes our age you would think we're as fit as they come, results would generally back up that view. However Tommy told me that he had a heart attack after his race last weekend, not a super serious attack, but a heart attack nonetheless. Scary stuff and I hope that Tommy can come back to racing soon.

This week has been really good from the training perspective. A full on sprint session on Tuesday. An easy endurance day on Wednesday where my legs felt like putty. a V02 day on Thursday, 3 x 3 mins, 4 x 2 mins and 5 x 1 mins, which was probably my best session since before Easter, hit all the power numbers except the last where I was 3! watts off and really worked the heart rate. A day of threshold intervals on Saturday which saw me 15 watts up on last week. Level 6, 60 second hill sprints on Sunday on a 6% climb, steepest towards the top, sprinting as hard as I could over the top for the conveniently placed road sign. I was going to do 8 repeats but since I threw up after 7 repeats I decided that was enough for the day.

So I'll take Monday off, train on Tuesday and Wednesday, with a recovery day on Thursday then packing the bike etc. I fly to Amsterdam on Friday. Whoo Hoo!!!!

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