Wow. I am amazed at how far I've moved forward on a single block of training. Admittedly I was starting at a fairly low base but nonetheless its very very encouraging.
At the end of the 'down' week of each training block I would typically run an FTP* max test on the Saturday since that's when my legs would be freshest. Since it was only the first block of training (and Christmas day!) I opted not to go the mountains for 20 minutes of pain on my usual climb but do three 10 minute intervals at 95% of what I thought was my FTP.
Well either it was all the Christmas chocolates, Santa made me superman! or my powermeter is badly calibrated but my intervals were at +30 watts, +40 watts and +60watts!!!! So I'm pretty happy about that, especially since I did feel really good, I was obviously fresh and I did get up on my TT bike which always makes me feel fast.
I've had to reset my FTP in the software without doing the test.
Today was the first day of the second block of base training and even with my FTP increased to reflect a new FTP, I managed to over achieve on each interval so that extra rest day seems to be really paying off.
"Less is more" so they say!
*FTP is Functional Threshold Power and is the theoretical power output I could maintain for a one hour Time Trial.
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